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Find out more about last year’s events below. If you’re interested in finding out about

National Productivity Week 2025, please register for updates.

Day One
Monday 27 November, 2023

Workplace mental health and productivity

Exploring evidence-based solutions for improving workplace mental health and productivity.

Day One
Monday 27 November, 2023

Cracking the productivity code: policies for sustainable growth

Presenting new work decomposing the UK’s productivity slowdown and highlighting international comparisons and what this means for policy.

Day Two
Tuesday 28 November, 2023

Beyond the Hype: Making AI Work for Business Productivity.

Watch the main session from the conference, featuring Welcome address by Anthony Impey, Alison Wright, Bart van Ark, Tera Allas, Jurga Zilinskiene and Megan Carnegie.

Day Three
Wednesday 29 November, 2023

The Productivity Agenda- blueprint for boosting the UK’s productivity

The Productivity Agenda will highlight key areas of policy for leaders to translate productivity gains into improved living standards and well-being across the UK.

Day Three
Wednesday 29 November, 2023

The Triple Bottom Line and AI – new ways of thinking about productivity

Discovering more about the framework that integrates social well-being, environmental stewardship and economic equity.

Day Four
Thursday 30 November, 2023

Productivity Lessons Learnt from the World – Best International Practices and Policies

This CIMA webinar provides a forum for global business leaders and macro experts to share examples from leading countries to improve productivity growth and demystify the productivity puzzle.

Day Four
Thursday 30 November, 2023

New perspectives on productivity: scale deep, crowdfunding and purposeful business

Join a discussion on the ongoing shift in socioeconomic and environmental context within Scotland which is prompting new approaches to productivity.

Day Four
Thursday 30 November, 2023

Re-imagining productivity – productivity from the individual to business

Wrap-up of the NPW event examining what productivity means from the perspective of the individual, in addition to what it means for large firms or policy makers.

Day Four
Thursday 30 November, 2023

The Productivity Challenge: Yorkshire and Humber and the North East

Examining specific productivity challenges across the region, how these challenges are being addressed, and emerging opportunities.

Day Four
Thursday 30 November, 2023

Customers, consumers and end-users as FinTech innovators?

Reflection of the effect of fintech innovations on consumers and customers.

Day Four
Thursday 30 November, 2023

Productivity in the East – People and Place

Find out about the work on the relatedness of the emerging sectors of the economy across the region.

Day Four
Thursday 30 November, 2023

How can the government improve public service productivity?

Join us for the first of our Productivity Pitches hybrid events, a new series organised jointly with the Institute for Government.

Day Five
Friday 1 December, 2023

Changes in working patterns and practices and productivity in North West firms

Join Barry Leahey and Jill Rubery as they discuss new forms of working and technologies and the effects on the productivity of companies in the North West.

Day Five
Friday 1 December, 2023

The future of sustainable growth in the construction industry and the development of ‘on-street’ charging infrastructure

A green growth seminar discussing research on the future of sustainable growth in the construction industry and the transition to electric vehicles.

Day Five
Friday 1 December, 2023

Productivity in Wales: in search of a miracle

This Breakfast Briefing will explore the huge Welsh productivity challenge and assess the potential for future improvements.

Day Five
Friday 1 December, 2023

Delivering business and economic growth in Northern Ireland

Featuring the launch of the 2023 Northern Ireland Productivity Dashboard, alongside presenting findings from the NI Management Survey.

Day Five
Friday 1 December, 2023

Innovation districts, partnerships and communities of innovation

Focusing on the Scottish context regarding building resilient and diverse communities of innovation.